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Election Information

                                                NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF REGULAR ELECTION
                                                         BY THE DESIGNATED ELECTION OFFICIAL
                                                      EC WESTWATER AND SANITATIONDISTRICT
§1-13.5-513, C.R.S.

   NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by theEC WestWater and Sanitation District, ElbertCounty, Colorado, that at the close of business on the sixty-third (63rd) day before the election there were not more candidates for director than offices to be filled at the election, including candidates filing affidavits of intent to be write-in candidates; therefore, the election to be held on May6, 2025is hereby cancelled pursuant to §1-13.5-513, C.R.S.

The following candidates for director are declared elected by acclamation:

David Gallo                4-yearTerm, Until May2029
Zachary Jansen       4-year Term, Until May 2029

By:/s/Dianne Miller
Designated Election Official EC WestWater and Sanitation District

EC West W&S District - Notice of Cancellation for 2025 DOLA filing.pdf


05.07.2025_Election Results.PDF